How You Can Save Cash by Shopping for Toner Online

If you own a laser printer (or several), then you’ve already spent a fair amount of money, as laser printers are more expensive initially than inkjet models. The upside is that toner is cheaper than ink, so the on-going costs are lower. These are days of increased frugality, though, so anything you can do to reduce your domestic or business overheads is more than welcome, right?
Some people reduce their spending on toner by simply printing less and storing some photos and documents online, which is great for lowering bills and paper waste. Not all documents and images can be stored solely online, however, and many people still like to have hard copies of important documents as well as digital versions. This means that many people, maybe including you, are still using a laser printer frequently, so finding cheaper toner is important.
Shopping online is a great start
If you haven’t shopped online for toner before, then it’s something you should seriously think about. The biggest benefit of online retailers like is that they don’t have the same number of overheads as physical shops – lights, staff, retail rental costs and so on – so they can afford to trim their prices quite a bit.
When you find a good online retailer, buy in bulk
When you’re looking for savings long-term, bulk-buying is a real go-to option, especially when it comes to office supplies. One of the advantages bulk-buying toner has over bulk-buying ink is that toner has a much longer shelf-life than ink – several years if stored correctly. This means you can wait for a big discount, swoop on it and be in the ink (sorry) for quite a while without having to worry about your supplies expiring.
Buy refilling kits online
Whether you bulk-buy or only buy in small amounts, you can reduce your spending a lot by using refilling kits. If you’re a dextrous, practical sort, then you’ll find the process pretty easy, although it can be quite fiddly. Once you’ve mastered the art, however, you can re-use a cartridge two or three times before it succumbs to wear-and-tear.
Buy recycled toner cartridges
Not everyone wants to fiddle about with a refilling kit, so buying a cartridge that’s been refurbished and recycled is the next option. This means that a spent toner cartridge has been sent back to the manufacturer or a third-party company to be refurbished and then refilled. It’s not as cheap as doing it yourself, but if you’re still looking at that black stain on the carpet from your last attempt, well…
Buy compatible toner cartridges
Buying compatible cartridges isn’t the scary option that it once seemed to be, with one in three ink and toner users choosing it. These cartridges are made to exactly the same specs as the OEM ones, so they’re safe. However, you should get some advice from your supplier before going ahead, as inserting an incompatible cartridge can be detrimental to the performance of your printer. As such, you should look to buy from the same manufacturer as your printer, so if you own a HP Deskjet 2540 All-in-One printer then you should buy a HP 2540 ink cartridge. Just make sure that your chosen cartridges will work with your machine.